
I'm Ryan, a Product Designer based in New York City.

I'm Ryan,
a Product Designer based in New York City.

Currently at Google Chrome.
Formerly at Loon (Google X) and RevJet.
Slightly obsessed with
building track bikes.
finding the perfect camera strap.
competition reality TV.
collecting lapel pins.
cyberpunk watch mods.
Slightly obsessed with building track bikes, F1, finding the perfect camera strap, competition reality TV, backpacks, techwear, collecting lapel pins, and cyberpunk watch mods... among other things.
Case study: Loon NetOps SDN

Defining a system

A collection of dashboard widgets.
Case study: Sojern Advertising Platform

An impactful snapshot

The details of designing a simple and powerful dashboard are outlined in this case study. Explorations include prioritization of concepts, considerations for alternative solutions, interaction behaviors for complex data visualizations, and alignment with design and business goals.
See case study
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A photo of myself.
I'm a San Francisco Bay Area native, and now live and work in New York City. My background includes photojournalism, videography, graphic design, editorial layout, web development, and product design; and my core focus is UX, visual design, and design systems.
Currently, Iā€™m a Senior UX Designer for Google Chrome, where I create media related experiences. Prior to Chrome, I helped Loon (Google X) and RevJet develop their design language and shaped the foundation of the UX team. I also frequently collaborate on creative production for Know Your Rights Camp.
Iā€™m passionate about emerging technologies, evolving design processes, and contributing to meaningful products.
Say hi, hello@ryfl.me.